Driving Policy To Advance Minnesota

Fiscal Policy

Citizens League has had great impact on changes to taxes and spending at all levels of government. We’ve also advocated for greater transparency and citizen engagement in budget values and priorities.

Current work:

  • Evaluating tax expenditures as part of the biennial budget process.

Previous work:

  • Minnesota Miracle including metropolitan tax-base sharing known as “fiscal disparities” and other tax equity reforms.
  • Through 2008, the Citizens League produced the Residential Homestead Property Tax Survey, the Tax Increment Financing Report, and the Fiscal Disparities Report. Click here for all of our Property Tax Studies.

All previous position statements and reports from the last 60+ years can be found in our policy report library.

Want to be a part of our current work or have an issue that you think Citizens League members and partners should take on? Send any questions and ideas to Pahoua Hoffman at [email protected].