Our Work

The Citizens League empowers people to engage in civic life and public policy to make Minnesota a better place to live and work for everyone.

Through our work:

  • Minnesotans understand that public policy happens everywhere, not just in government institutions.
  • Minnesotans of all backgrounds exercise their role in public policy decision-making.
  • Minnesotans directly impacted by an issue are part of defining the problem and generating evidence-based solutions.

Since 1952, the Citizens League has been solving problems on a wide range of issues, including schools, taxes, transportation, health care, and water. An archive of our research, proposals, and studies are available in our Policy Report Library.

Backup Plan for Solos

Without a supportive infrastructure, people who are aging with no children, spouse or partner – “solos” – are at risk for lower quality care, care that goes against their wishes or care that carries a high cost to individuals and society. We are looking for solutions.

Calling Home

In partnership with Twin Cities Public Television (TPT), we launched Calling Home to have discussions about aging and planning for live changes that everyone faces. A series of community conversations have been held in the metro and greater Minnesota.

City of Edina Race & Equity Task Force

Citizens League was selected by the city of Edina to serve as facilitator for the city’s resident-led Race & Equity Task Force whose charge is to identify race-based disparities within city government and put forward recommendations.


ManyOne is an initiative designed to develop bipartisan relationships and promote innovative thinking. DFL and Republican legislators participate in the Studio/E leadership program to better explore, launch and navigate new ideas for our community.

Met Council Task Force

Amidst growing questions and concerns from community members and elected officials surrounding the Metropolitan Council, the Citizens League convened a diverse 19-member task force to consider possible reforms.

Minnesota Capitol Pathways

With the long-term goal of making our government truly representative of our communities, our paid internship program places college students of color with government, nonprofit, corporate, law and lobbying organizations that work at or around the State Capitol during the legislative session.

St. Paul PILOT Project

The Citizens League convened a study committee to determine the potential feasibility and implementation of a Saint Paul payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) program to help pay for city services. After looking at the data behind the Saint Paul budget, the legal basis and other PILOT programs across the country, we came to the conclusion that Saint Paul is has a unique opportunity that calls for a uniquely Saint Paul strategy.

St. Paul Minimum Wage Project

This scoping project regarding potential changes to the minimum wage in Saint Paul involves interviews and research with a diverse group of stakeholders. This pre-work could lead to larger potential effort in 2018 to answer these questions and propose an implementation plan for Saint Paul.

Transit Study Committee

Following a study of the Met Council in late 2015 and early 2016, our task force recommended that the Citizens League undertake a separate study to address important questions related to accountability and transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, and equity surrounding transit funding. In late 2016, we convened a study committee to look at transit in the region through the lens of governance, policy, and funding.