Common Ground.
Common Good.

The Citizens League is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that empowers people to engage in civic life and public policy to make Minnesota a better place to live and work for everyone.

Recent News

Adapting to a new normal amidst COVID-19 challenges

Minnesotans, like the rest of the world, are working to adjust to a “new normal” amidst COVID-19. As we work to rise to this challenge together, the Citizens League is looking for ways to adapt to this new environment while continuing to serve the community. LISTENING...

Video: Get to know Executive Director Pahoua Yang Hoffman

Video: Get to know Executive Director Pahoua Yang Hoffman

We are so proud to call Pahoua Yang Hoffman our Executive Director. Her life experience, breadth of knowledge, and genuine interest in people from all backgrounds truly makes Minnesota a better place. Thanks to TPT Almanac at the Capitol and David Gillette for conveying her amazing story!

Census 2020

Census 2020

Engaging immigrant and ethnic communities to encourage participation and make sure all Minnesotans are counted.

Trust In Change: Cal Clark

Trust In Change: Cal Clark

Cal Clark spent his childhood and college years in Chadron, Nebraska, then came to Minnesota to join the Citizens League where he worked from 1970-1980 to streamline the organization’s approach to addressing civil issues. Learn more in this member spotlight.

Current Work

Interconnected: Rural-Urban Conversations

This conversation series – hosted by the Center for Rural Policy and Development and the Citizens League – bridges the divide between urban & rural Minnesota by exploring our shared challenges and how to design a future that works for our unique communities. All discussions are recorded and can be listened to and viewed online.

Capitol Pathways

With the long-term goal of making our government truly representative of our communities, the program opens access to the Minnesota Capitol to the next generation of leaders of color. Through this program, interns build relationships with established Capitol leaders, gain exposure to various kinds of careers in policy, get real-world experience in career fields they would like to learn more about and build a strong professional resume in the process.

Strengthening Public Service

Citizens League is embarking on a new project to dig deeper and explore the unique challenges and barriers to public service, with a particular emphasis on non-elected roles and people who make our state’s local governments work.


The Citizens League hosts forums for civil discussion across Minnesota. Our event series includes events that are open to the public, member-only and workplace events to help inform and engage Minnesotans on important policy and civic leadership discussions.

Thursday, October 10, 2024
MCN & MCF Joint Conference

The Citizens League team is proud to present at the upcoming Minnesota Council on Foundations (MCF) & Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) Joint Annual Conference. Registration is now open for this two-day conference!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Mind Opener: Trustworthy Elections — Do conservatives and liberals agree?

In the midst of another challenging and hyper-polarizing election season, join us to hear from Braver Angels and others about how to enhance trust in our elections.