Citizens League Voice: Listen to This

Citizens League Voice: Listen to This

The First Word By Pahoua Hoffman Shared experience leads to lasting solutions In 2004, a middle-aged single mom (we’ll call her Joan) began work at a company that provided cleaning services to a large retailer in St. Paul. Her hourly wage for cleaning windows,...
Citizens League members wanted for minimum wage study

Citizens League members wanted for minimum wage study

Earlier this year, the Citizens League published the findings of a scoping project regarding potential changes to the minimum wage in St. Paul. Commissioned by the Saint Paul Foundation, we began our work in November of 2017, identifying key questions, assessing data...
A Good Debate: Pension Tension

A Good Debate: Pension Tension

A Good Debate: Pension Tension Public workers, economic anxieties, and the quest for retirement security Spring 2018 JUMP TO: JUST THE FACTS | OPENING ARGUMENTS | CROSS-EXAM Each quarterly issue of Citizens League Voice will feature a section that involves bringing...
What’s the problem with pensions in Minnesota?

What’s the problem with pensions in Minnesota?

As the Pioneer Press reports, “government pension plans are paying out more than they are taking in.” According to the latest valuation reports, state public pensions should have $16 billion more in investments right now to pay for future retirement...