On February 16, we convened our first cohort meeting of the year. After interning at their host sites for the past two weeks, students were excited to reconnect with their cohort members and share their experiences. Click here for bios on our 2018 cohort and a full list of our participating host organizations.

The cohort meeting focused on self-reflection and teambuilding work. Three Capitol Pathways alums— Adrian Benjamin (MN House of Representatives), Dralandra Larkins (Hennepin County) and Sean Mock (Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity)—were invited back to sit on a panel, meet the cohort and share their first-hand experiences with the program. They answered questions from the cohort and also gave advice on how to navigate the Capitol during the rush of session.

We were also joined by Senator Patricia Torres Ray (DFL, District 63) who shared some warm words of welcome with the cohort. We ended the day with a social and thank everyone who made the time to attend and meet our cohort! We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing enthusiasm and support:


If you did not get the chance to join us for our social, there’s still time to meet to cohort! We will be hosting two more socials during session. Save the dates below:

  • Friday, March 16, 4pm-5pm
  • Friday, April 20, 4pm-5pm

Stay updated with our Capitol Pathways website and connected on our Facebook and Twitter for program news and updates!

Capitol Pathways program intern Pele Văn Lê (University of Minnesota, Intern site: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits), Program Co-Founder Annie Levenson-Falk (Citizens Utility Board), and program alum Sean Mock (Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity)

Amy McDonough, Host Supervisor, Minnesota Private College Council (left), and Robert Harper, 2016 Capitol Pathways alum (right) meet with current program interns.

Capitol Pathways program interns Tytiana Reid (Winona State University, Intern site: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.) and Emaan Soliman (St. Catherine University, Intern site: MN Department of Natural Resources) meet with Citizens League Board Vice Chair Aaron Pearson (Weber Shandwick).

Capitol Pathways program alums speak to the 2018 cohort.

Capitol Pathways interns meet with Minnesota Senator Patricia Torres Ray. From left to right: Clayton Byrd (Augsburg University, Intern site: MN Alliance With Youth), Kitana Holland (Augsburg University, Intern site: Minnesota Private College Council), Senator Torres Ray, Raie Gessesse (Hamline University, Intern site: MN Department of Human Services), Brandon Williams (Augsburg College, Intern site: MN Department of Commerce)

Capitol Pathways interns meet with Minnesota Representative Fue Lee. From left to right: Kitana Holland (Augsburg University, Intern site: Minnesota Private College Council), Rep. Lee, Raie Gessesse (Hamline University, Intern site: MN Department of Human Services), Pele Văn Lê (University of Minnesota, Intern site: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits).