Census 2020

Engaging immigrant and ethnic communities to encourage participation and make sure all Minnesotans are counted.

Somali-language forum video & resources

Working in partnership with the Minnesota State Demographic Center and other community-based organizations, the Citizens League convened panel discussions to answer questions from community members about the upcoming 2020 Census.

It is in the interest of every Minnesotan to help everyone living in Minnesota get counted. The best way to do this is to answer questions, alleviate concerns, and help our community feel welcome and compelled to be counted.

> Click here to read more about this initiative.

On Friday, January 24, 2020, those in Somali communities joined us for a Somali-language forum to discuss and answer questions on the upcoming effort in Minnesota to count all residents.

Moderator Osman Ahmed of Great MN Schools led a panel discussion. You can watch the entire forum below:

Somali-Language Census Panel:

Frequently Asked Questions (English)

Q: Is it required that I complete my form? If so, is there a penalty?

A: There is no penalty for not completing a Census form.

It is the duty of the Census Bureau to collect as much information as possible from everyone residing in the United States. While it is not required to answer all the questions on the form, completing the form to the best of your ability will make it less likely a Census worker has to follow up.

Q: Is there a citizenship question on the form?

A: There is no citizenship question on the Census form. This is not a survey of only U.S. citizens; everyone living in the United States is counted regardless of their citizenship status.

Federal law prevents the Census Bureau from sharing your information with law enforcement. Your answers are only used to create statistics about our country. The Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your personal information and keep it strictly confidential.

Q: Do I have to answer all questions on the form? Do I have to put my name?

A: While it is not required to answer all the questions on the form, completing the form to the best of your ability will make it less likely a Census worker has to follow up.

You may answer as many questions as you feel comfortable answering.

Remember: Answering as many questions as possible benefits you and your community. Your answers help federal, state and local leaders make decisions about schools, hospitals, emergency services, roads, bridges, job training centers, and many other projects that affect your community. 

Q: Can my information be shared with my landlord or neighbors?

A: No, your information will not be shared with your landlord or neighbors. The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your personal information and keep it strictly confidential. The information is not shared with your landlord, neighbors, law enforcement, or any other person or agency.

Q: How can I help make sure that my community/neighborhood gets counted?

A: An accurate count of everyone in our communities is crucial for proper federal funding, representation, and city planning. In other words, the resources we need in our communities relies on counting every person!

The more frequently people hear about the importance, confidentiality, and logistics about completing a census form, the likelier they are to complete the census!

Share the answers to these questions with your friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Direct people to https://mn.gov/admin/2020-census/ to answer any other questions, and read more about why an accurate count is important.

Frequently Asked Questions (Somali)
  • Miyay qasab igu tahay inaan foomkan buuxiyo? Hadii sii anan buuxin, miya lay ganaaxayaa?

MAYA! Ma jirto wax gaanax ah oo ka imanaya hadii aad foomka buuxin.

Waa waajibka Xafiiska Tirakoobka inaay aruuriyan macluumaadka ugu badan ee suurtogalka ah qof kasta oo ku nool Mareykanka (United States). In kasta oo aan loo baahnayn in laga jawaabo dhammaan su’aalaha ku yaal foomka, dhammaystir foomka sida ugu fiican ee aad awood u leedahay waxay yareyn doontaa inta jeer shaqaalaha Tirakoobka ku soo raadin doonaa.

  • Su’aal ku saabsan Jinsiyadda ma ku jira foomka Tirakoobka?

Su’aasha muwaadinimada maa lugu darin foomka Tirakoobka sanadka 2020. Foomkan ma’ahan baaritan-guud oo ku sabsan muwaadiniinta Mareykanka oo keliya; qof kasta oo ku nool Markeykanka waa la tirin doonaa iyadoo la eegin heerka dhalashadiisa.

Sharciga federaalka wuu mamnuucay inuu Xafiiska Tirakoobka inuu macluumaadkaaga la wadaago hay’adaha kale ee dawladda, oo ay ku jiraan Hay’adaha Amniga, laanta socdaalka, iyo maxkamadaha. Jawaabahaaga waxa kaliya oo loo isticmaali karaa waa abuuro tirakoobka ku saabsan wadankeena. Xafiiska Tirakoobka waajib waxay ku tahay inaay ilaaliyan macluumaadkaaga shaqsiyeed isla markaana si adag u xafiidan sirtaada.

  • Ma inaan ka jawaabaa dhammaan su’aalaha ku yaal foomka? Miyay tahay qasab inaan magacayga ku qoro foomka?

In kasta oo aan loo baahnayn in laga jawaabo dhammaan su’aalaha ku yaal foomka, dhammaystir foomka sida ugu fiican ee aad awood u leedahay waxay yareyn doontaa inta jeer shaqaalaha Tirakoobka jawaab ka soo raadin doonaan.

Waxaad ka jawaabi kartaa inta su’aalod aad awoodi kartid.

Xasuusnow: In kajawaabida su’aalo badan faa’iidoo uu tahay adiga iyo bulshada. Jawaabahaaga waxay caawinayaan dowladda federaalka, gobolka, iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha maxalliga ah siday go’aanno ka gaaraan iskuulada, isbitaalada, adeegyada gurmadka, wadooyina, buundooyinka, xarumaha tababarka shaqada, iyo waxyaalo kale oo qusaayso bulshadaada.

  • Macluumaadkayga ma lala wadaagi karaa mas’uuliyinta guryaha, hantiilayaasha guryaha kireeyo, ama deriskaga?

MAYA! Macluumaadkagaa maa lala wadaagi karo mas’uuliyinta guryaha, hantiilayaasha guryaha kireeyo, ama deriskaga. Sida sharciga federaalka waafaqsan, Xafiiska Tirakoobka wuu ku qasban yahay inuu sharciga ilaaliyo oo naa macluumaadkaagaa shaqsiyeed sii gar ah u ilaaliyo. Macluumaadkaagaa Xafiiska Tirakoobka maa la wadaagi karo hay’adaha kale ee dawladda, oo ay ku jiraan Hay’adaha Amniga, laanta socdaalka, maxkamadaha, deriskaaga, ama qof kale.

  • Sidee aan uu hubiin kara in la tirin doona xaafadeyda?

In tirakoob sax ah laga qado qof walba ka tirsan bulshadeena wuxuu muhiim u yahay qaybinta lacagta federaalka ah, qorsheynta magaalada, deeqaha iyo taageerada gobolada. Kheyraadka bulshooyinkeenna uu baahan yihiin waxay ku tiirsan tahay tirinta qof walba!

Hadii dadka wax badan maqlaan muhiimadda qarsoodinimada, iyo saadka ku saabsan buuxinta foomka tirakoobka, bulshaada waxay u badan tahay inay buuxin doonaan tirakoobka!

La wadaag jawaabaha su’aalahan saaxiibaha, asxaabta shaqada, iyo deriskaaga. Dadka uu dir https://mn.gov/admin/2020-census/ si ay uga jawaabaan su’aale kale, oona aqiraan wax yale kale oo muhiim ah oo ku saabsan tirikoob saxsan.

Additional Resources

Somali-language Census 2020 videos (courtesy of the Minnesota State Demographic Center):