On June 6, 2019, Capitol Pathways students, hosts, and supporters gathered for an evening recognizing the achievements and bright futures of our cohort as the 4th year of the program came to a close.
Now, 127 young leaders of color have held internships in and around the State Capitol, many of them continuing their careers in policy and government.
During the evening, we heard from Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan, Representative Ryan Winkler, and Richfield Mayor Maria Regan Gonzalez, as well as current Capitol Pathways student An Garagiola-Bernier, and 2016 alumna Cheniqua Johnson. Take a look below for a social media recap, including photos and words from the evening.
Our sincere thanks to this year’s host organizations, our major funders, and individual donors for making the program possible.
Thanks to all who joined us for this inspirational celebration! If you couldn’t make it, but want to support the program, you can make a donation here: citizensleague.org/give
The future is bright with these emerging leaders! Thanks to #CapitolPathways student An Garagiola-Bernier for an inspiring speech tonight. pic.twitter.com/wg6YceAcNb
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Awesome to have @LtGovFlanagan at @CitizensLeague Capitol Pathways Annual Celebration! #CapitolPathways pic.twitter.com/f5YgI4GEL3
— Jonathan Weinhagen (@jweinhagen) June 6, 2019
Great to see so many folks here tonight, familiar and new, to celebrate with #CapitolPathways! pic.twitter.com/DDJFMIDi5z
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
We’re underway! The 4th annual #CapitolPathways celebration begins! pic.twitter.com/bi2bUGn4lO
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
The 2019 @CitizensLeague #CapitolPathways Celebration kicks off with opening remarks from @LtGovFlanagan. @FreshEnergy is proud to support this critically important program!
— Ben Passer (@BenPasser) June 6, 2019
Cc: @jfay612 pic.twitter.com/Lr6fTtjci6
Thanks so much to Lt. Governor @peggyflanagan for joining our #CapitolPathways celebration! pic.twitter.com/7DZhmazq9w
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Thank you, @LtGovFlanagan, for joining the @CitizensLeague tonight to celebrate #CapitolPathways & the 127 college students of color and 55 host orgs that make this program possible. pic.twitter.com/IyCeu04hSD
— Jake Loesch (@jakeloesch) June 6, 2019
This year, @FreshEnergy was fortunate to host Pachia Thao as our #CapitolPathways intern. Thanks, Pachia, for all of your great work! @jfay612 https://t.co/W5LD7odLPT
— Ben Passer (@BenPasser) June 6, 2019
Thanks to Rep @_RyanWinkler for being a #CapitolPathways intern host this year, and delivering some remarks this evening! pic.twitter.com/lGAmt4Y37z
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Delivering @GovTimWalz declaration, @LtGovFlanagan announces officially that today, June 6, 2019, is #CapitolPathways Day! pic.twitter.com/sVRaQrQ0ZC
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
It’s official. Happy #CapitolPathways Day! pic.twitter.com/ep5ZMMXnmr
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 7, 2019
“Growing up, I never knew anyone doing policy work” #capitolpathways intern An Garagiola-Bernier. @CitizensLeague is focused on making sure more Minnesotans know they have a role in policy work.
— Bob Butterbrodt (@BobButterbrodt) June 6, 2019
The future is bright with these emerging leaders! Thanks to #CapitolPathways student An Garagiola-Bernier for an inspiring speech tonight. pic.twitter.com/wg6YceAcNb
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Thanks to @cheniquajohnson for joining us tonight! Cheniqua was part of our first cohort of #CapitolPathways, and has gone on to pursue a career in policy, including a run for elected office. pic.twitter.com/0ypBUZClXR
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Thanks to @cheniquajohnson for joining us tonight! Cheniqua was part of our first cohort of #CapitolPathways, and has gone on to pursue a career in policy, including a run for elected office. pic.twitter.com/0ypBUZClXR
— Citizens League (@CitizensLeague) June 6, 2019
Thanks to #CapitolPathways and @CitizensLeague for an inspiring evening, and for the vital work of bringing new voices and change to #mnleg. https://t.co/h1yLwOquX4
— Ryan Winkler (@_RyanWinkler) June 7, 2019
If you missed the @CitizensLeague Capitol Pathways Annual Celebration tonight you can still support this critical program via -> https://t.co/tYoIo1LNQB #CapitolPathways
— Jonathan Weinhagen (@jweinhagen) June 7, 2019
“Be yourself. Continue to thrive despite what you might face. Organize & trust in the community. It is our time. So many people want to support your leadership.” - Mayor Regan-Gonzalez #CapitolPathways pic.twitter.com/c2dZfKwvmC
— Cheniqua Johnson (@cheniquajohnson) June 7, 2019
Thanks to #capitolpathways for sending us our rockstar intern Pachia, and for the celebration yesterday evening to recognize all the interns and their great work. @jfay612 @BenPasser pic.twitter.com/eElwEinHiq
— Fresh Energy (@FreshEnergy) June 7, 2019
So impressed by the #CapitolPathways program grads and happy that @MCEA1974 has gotten to play a small part! https://t.co/MkqzNvEgpx
— Kathryn Hoffman (@kathrynmhoffman) June 7, 2019
We were honored to have Sanjana Ketchum as our #CapitolPathways advocacy intern this session! Thanks @CitizensLeague for making this partnership possible! https://t.co/QQXK3HXW5P
— MNEnviroPartnership (@MEPartnership) June 7, 2019
Thanks to our event sponsors!