You’re invited! Join us for our last Capitol Pathways social of the year!
Friends, hosts, and Capitol Pathways students will gather in the L’Etoile du Nord Vault Room at the Minnesota State Capitol on Friday, April 14, from 1pm-2pm.
Join us to meet the new cohort, hosts, and learn more about the program!
Capitol Pathways Social
Friday, April 14, 2023
1pm – 2pm
Minnesota State Capitol
L’Etoile du Nord Vault Room
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155
Please click here for parking information and here for a Capitol campus map.
Several Metro Transit bus stops and Green Line light rail stops will bring you within a block of the Capitol Complex.
Light refreshments available.
Free! Please register below.
Masks welcomed, but not required. We ask that you please stay home if you are sick or have been exposed.