In partnership with the Association of Minnesota Counties and the League of Minnesota Cities, the Citizens League is embarking on a new project, Strengthening Public Service, to explore the unique challenges and barriers to public service, with a particular emphasis on non-elected roles and people who make our state’s local governments work.

This project – building on a previous League report in 2022 examining why people run, decline to run, remain serving, or step down from elected local office – aims to understand why fewer people are applying for job opportunities in the public service sector.

> Read more about this project, and how you can provide input, on our project page here.

This fall, Citizens League will engage and hear from a broad range of stakeholders and residents through conversations across Minnesota, including an anonymous online public survey.

Additionally, Minnesotans are invited to provide feedback and share their thoughts at one of the three upcoming virtual meetings:

Research and conversations will continue through 2024, in collaboration with local and statewide partner organizations, city and county leadership, current and former staff in public service roles, and local business community and economic development representatives.

A final report is anticipated to be completed in early 2025, outlining challenges and opportunities and recommending practical, community-led solutions to strengthen and support a robust public service sector in Minnesota.

Project information, updates and a link to the public surveys are now available at

In addition to the survey, Citizens League invites feedback, thoughts and suggestions about this project anytime at [email protected].